Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku's EIC. Beats: internet culture, gaming communities, fandom, Pokémon, and Nintendo. When not at a computer, typically boxing or reading.

yeah i’m like low 40's but i’ve slowed down on playing a lot in the last week, now inspired to get back in there. my problem is that i start winning a lot and then start making really complicated or weird decks to entertain myself and then lose the progress i was making, i was about to hit 50 and threw it in the trash… Read more


now i want this to happen. and she’ll induce a pile-on of her fans on you somehow 


stanley was great, and really wouldn’t have worked at all without the narration -- the entire game is built around it, mechanically. bastion, i didn’t like as much but i def am an outlier on that 


points for hannah gadsby but i think ive only seen people call him the turtle pope personally :( 


the alleged was about it getting planned on discord / the social media aspects, though there’s still the element of whether or not this person gets charged, but ok


does this work for other types of items? 


thank you for reminding me i have the gold scarab, for the times i do want to make an effort. its funny how much of this game is plainly, remembering what tools you have (and how to best make use of them)


im just gonna say that in addition to the troll messages the dead guy did not look like a friend worth trusting 


i know you had no way of knowing this, but there are many rooms like this and many chests as well. the visual itself not a unique chest or room


cant wait for this bot to kill me


now that is an unusual choice for mario that i could see working 


thanks for sharing your expertise!


I think it’s less people being impatient — usually oh we’re never getting a new one is a go-to meme that’s happily trotted about — than the combination of a wait *and* rockstar advertising mundane stuff like ‘seamless character switching’ alongside that wait. Read more


omg that caught my eye too! any theories? 


yeah, it’s probably maybe gonna go down to like 90% instead of 95% usage if that lol -- really depends on the nerf


there have been talks of microfiction at least
