Zack Zwiezen
Kotaku Staff Writer | Zack Zwiezen is a writer living in Kansas. He has written for GameCritics, USgamer, Kill Screen, HardDrive, & Entertainment Fuse.

Yup, it slipped into the wrong column. Sorry! 


This is def a different LEGO game from the past ones. Plays more like a modern shooter/action game. So that might help! It is also on Game Pass, if you have that. 


I literally watch every new episode on Mondays. And rewatch the old episodes all the time. And yeah, I still greatly prefer (most of the time) stuff from season 2-8. Read more


A lot of people, myself included, had to force the update on Android via the Google Play Store. 


Oh yes. This is very much a AA game. (Didn’t use that in the review because wasn’t sure how well known of a term it was!) 


you too huh? 


I didn’t think about this until you pointed it out and now I’m frustrated more. 


Same! I want more of this, but I don’t want Star Wars to stop also being weird/cheesy/mostly for kids, too.


If we don’t get a code for the game, we can’t review it ahead of time. Simple as that. 


You should be able to start them once you get the phone call from ULP. They don’t require you to own anything and I played them all solo with no issues. 


That’s not our job at all. 


I think when the theme first started, it was fine. But now it seems very odd to not just do one cool Lego store only set featuring the two bros. I remember wishing they included two minifigs with the NES set. Or the cube. Doing so won’t hurt the main theme and how fun it is at all. 


This is true. And it’s also very weird. But I sort of like that game as a “well this is on my phone and I’m bored so...” option. 


This is true! But I lived in a small town of like 200 people. So GameFly was my only option as our library was VERY tiny and didn’t have much else beyond books. 


I played on normal and didn’t feel like it was bullshit. You def need to be careful and accurate. But nothing too crazy. 


Don’t remind me we’ve never got a Yaddle minifig. 
