John Walker
Seeker of indie secrets, needlessly beautiful, purveyor of

Missed opportunity to have Angela Lansbury be the imposter, we all know she's the greatest murderer ever.  RIP Lansbury. 


The quintessential and ubiquitous videogame scene is where there’s a kid button mashing away like a crazy person, on a game where that makes no sense, with a gamepad for a different console that’s 3 generations behind the one they’re playing on.


The lesson here is that you shouldn’t mess with any kind of rodent in the industry, black, yellow or otherwise.

  1. This cracked me up: “Atari died in 1984. Ever since, its cursed skin has been loosely and uncomfortably wriggled into by a series of companies, each falling to its bedeviled blight, only freed when it tricks another corporation into donning the rotting skin-suit.”

TR2013 had very little in the way of actual tomb raiding. Tiny “tombs” (usually just a single, small room) and very basic platforming and puzzle-solving. The previous CD trilogy (Legend, Anniversary and Underworld) was way better than the reboot trilogy when it came to those things, though SoTR was a step in the right… Read more


It’s actually kinda funny that Amazon went from “We’re gonna develop our own games and publish them on our own PC platform and even create our own game engine” to “Okay, well, we’ll publish PC games that were already successful in other countries on the Amazon Games platform but they’ll still be exclusives” to “Okay,… Read more


why are these complaints not levelled at other AI things, where are the scientists complaining their work is being used by drug discovery AIs, the coders complaining their code snippets are being used by AI code completion systems, the writers complaining that GPT3 is stealing their work. why is it only seemingly… Read more


In putting together my top ten games of 2022, I created a list of all 16 of them.
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1.I could not agree more about HFW. The story went a little off the rails, but it remained a super enjoyable gaming experience. I have been surprised by some of the negativity around it. Read more


“I rather liked the symbols, but also recognize how ridiculously hard it is to memorize all 150ish of them.” Read more


Got the game after reading this article! Its scratching all the horror/cryptid itches


A wholesome story. Slow cook, amateur game, supported over years of development by a loyal, cult following, who a.) rallied to support the developers in a time of crisis and b.) now want to buy the long-building, overhauled, full version for - let’s be honest - a modest price? Don’t tell me gamers are toxic. Trolls… Read more


“Yes,” replied Steam account Frank McFuzz. “Yes,” followed up Jinkl. “Yes,” was the answer from Ferien auf dem Innenhof. Meanwhile, dneb2000 responded with, “Yes.”
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I Paypal’d Bay 12 Studios $20 back in 2008 and got a cute little story paragraph about goblins and dwarves. Yesterday I was happy to pay them $30  to support their commercial product. Fingers crossed this release takes the pressure of monthly donation drives and patronage off their shoulders. They deserve it several… Read more


The way the raids punish KOs really fosters toxicity, IMO. Read more


Your math is in fact wrong because the events are not independent. Ad absurdum, imagine there are only 2 days in the year and 3 people: if person A and B don’t share a birthday, person C must share a birthday with one of them. You start off well, we need to calculate the probability that 2 people don’t share a… Read more


We prefer the term Mathemagicians, but as someone who has a BS in Mathematics you got the basics pretty much right. The “trick” to it all calculating the inverse probability. Read more


Hello, I am everyone.


“Corporate Apology” is perhaps the absolute best term for this. It says everything you need to know about it succinctly.


I loved the original on Android. What a delightful surprise to see it discussed in full here.
