Lisa Marie Segarra

to everyone wondering where our post was: this was it. it took a while assembling all the responses from current and former kotaku dot com staffers but all that time gave us the room to honor fahey in the best way we knew how. i didn’t get to work with him long but his personality and wit were infectious. im bummed… Read more


> The disparity exists because vaginal sex just won’t work unless the male consents Read more


This the stupidest comment I have ever read. You are absolutely disgusting.


Thanks so much for this! I teach an M.Ed. course on games for teaching and learning, and this game+review combo is going right in my spring syllabus. This isn’t the first time Kotaku’s coverage of small, specific indies and prosocial games like this has been a hugely beneficial resource in my teaching, either. Keep up… Read more


Love it when people who aren’t a part of a marginalized community tell that community how they should be reported on, or what the future should look like for that community. People in here saying Kotaku shouldn’t mention Amy being trans, or that it should be a “footnote”. That’s pretty much the same as saying “not… Read more


It’s a shame that most people don’t actually understand what red-lining is; it’s a concept that isn’t really taught in schools. It says a lot that more people are willing to believe that the reason why low income ghettos are populated largely by PoC is because we are “lazy” rather than decades of political… Read more


This sounds amazing--I went to Steam immediately to add it to my library. With the fervor over any form of racially-minded education in the USA, I doubt it would happen, but it sounds like it would be an *excellent* addition to classrooms. I remember playing a shitton of Carmen Sandiego as a kid without even realizing… Read more


This game just jumped go the top of my curiosity list, and now I’m keen to see what else Rise-Home Stories has coming for the other games in this theme they’re doing.


Bootlickers in the comments be like


I wish the game gave us a free Leif visit or some starting seeds to plant crops, having to pony up 100,000 bells to have him on Harv island was somewhat annoying (specially because you can only complete a donation once per day, and I really, really wanted access to Redd right away). Read more


Jesus, that's a good subhead


I was just wondering if we were going to start seeing the articles about how this DLC ended up being ultimately disappointing, just based on the vibe of my friends who’ve played it pretty rapidly giving up on it, so this is kind of a surprise! But reading your reasoning, it makes sense. You ultimately decided you… Read more


I was just rooting for Deck Nine’s success. Great to hear this. Read more


Because we wanted to write about it. That is always the answer. Read more


The “fun” my wife has is, at the beginning of the season, look up spoilers and watch how the producers try to misdirect and laugh at the same “you’re here for the wrong reasons”, “I can’t believe _______ is back”, etc. lines. It’s like watching a years long casting call where everyone has a role and lines to repeat ad… Read more


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a writer come into their own and find their unique voice as quickly and completely as Ash. Seems like she became a pillar around here almost instantly, and deservedly so.   Read more

Have there been any actual comments or statements from company leadership besides that pile of bullshit about “out of control bureaucrats”? Read more


What needs to happen is get every news outlet out there ant just tear into the company. Make it a massive and loud protest too! You need to get all eyes on how toxic it is there and don’t be afarid to blow a few things out of proportion. Maybe set the CEO’s car on fire. Don’t go down in silence or on a “gaming” sight. Read more


“Most of us plan to take the full day off (without pay), but we understand some people like contractors and associates, and those who are paid less than they deserve, might not have the ability to do so.”
Read more
