Ethan Gach
Senior reporter at Kotaku. Have a gaming industry tip? You can reach me securely at

Wow, this is heartbreaking news. András was such a wonderful, pleasant, polite, hardworking member of the team. He will be missed. 


Wasn’t Messages originally part of the core PS app? Iirc, they broke up their app into 3 or 4 separate apps not long after Facebook started the trend by separating FB Messenger from the core FB app. I might have that timeline wrong, but it’s just odd to me that they’re acting like it was never this way before. Either… Read more

Now playing

There is such a sturm und drang in Fallout 4 (I haven’t played and have no interest in playing 76, so I’m deliberately referencing its closest, obvious parallel) between Zur’s fantastic score and the retro vibe of the licensed music on Diamond City Radio (which becomes infinity times less annoying after doing the…


The music is so good.
I got really into the game when the wastelander update came out and I think this was the only Fallout I play without the radio station.


I honestly think that everything Bungie is doing right now is in the best interest of the game despite the, ‘but ma base game grind content that’s been free for a year that’s only being temporarily removed’ crowd on reddit and the bungie forums.
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Like for everyone else, gaming has been a lifeline for what little sanity I have left in this fucking hellscape, but I can’t even pretend to give two shits about next-gen. The Switch’s resounding success seems to point to people preferring experiences over pure graphical power, but that’s all that MS and Sony are… Read more


I’m kind of with you on this one. Granted it would take a lot to beat the smallest console launch lineup of all time (belonging to the N64 with a whopping two titles at launch) but with so few titles likely to actually make a launch window of the console I find it unlikely either console will be able to market itself… Read more


I haven’t been paying much attention, whose on the cover of this year’s Fifa Call of Duty?


Been flying a bit in the new Microsoft Flight Sim. Highly recommend it, especially if you have Gamepass. Also, close to finishing up Death Stranding finally. Zip Lines are game changers.


Fae Tactics, the best rpg strategy game to come out in years. If you even remotely enjoyed FFT or FFTA you will love it. Everything about it is gorgeous. And yes, I’ve heard of Fell Seal and no, it doesn’t even come close haha.


Is PGA2k a microtransaction riddled disaster like it’s NBA equivalent? When there was a lull between the major sports I kind of got into watching golf and haven’t played one since a super old Tiger for the Nintendo Wii (where obviously my friends and I would dress up, fake golf and pregame before going out on the… Read more


As two very different games that feel like they activate different parts of my brain, I have been having fun switching to and from Doom: Eternal and Ghost of Tsushima. Tsushima is a damn near perfect game to me so far, but Doom is just pure dumb fun and a good break from some of the more self serious parts of Tsushima. Read more


Final Fantasy 14. I re-upped after not really knowing what else to play. I have a character that is fairly far through the first (?) expansion, but I decided to start over with a new character. Like a crazy person. And it’s great.


Hitman, Mafia 3, Recore, Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Superhot I think show that theres different options that they could explore.
Hitman has an upgrade option, Mafia 3 and Recore updates to the Definitive Edition, Tomb Raider automatically upgrades if you own the season pass and Superhot gave out Mind Control Delete… Read more


So for a bit of a peek of how the sausage gets made: this is a 6k word piece. We have to break it up. We did that the best we could with pull quotes and our ads too but we still have to use images of some kind. Then we have to use images for which we can secure the rights to. The easiest way to do that in a post about… Read more


Before anyone starts whining that “He was just cheating on his wife, sure that’s bad, but why is he being fired for that?!”, a couple of points: Read more


For those of you looking for a more upbeat, kid-friendly, Gundam series to watch, I recommend original Gundam Build Fighters
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I might actually check it out if its free to play. I innately don’t really like multiplayer games, but always wanted to check it out. I didn’t want to spend $20 on something I most likely wouldn’t like, however.
