Alyssa Mercante
Senior editor at Kotaku. FPS freak. Cat rescuer. Spritz drinker. Fashion wearer. Definitely more than 33% Italian. Tips:

Strange Days is such a fun movie, I vividly remember watching it one Thanksgiving after lunch.  And I have seen it dozens of times.


Fucking LOVE this movie!


FomSoftware’s game design is so clever. I’ll give you one example in Elden Ring. When you first get out into the world you see a big knight on a big horse just walking back and forth on the same path. He’s just there and he’s egging you on. He’s almost impossible for you to beat this early on, but FromSoftware knows… Read more


Elden Ring (and more specifically, the Raya Lucaria Academy) was the first time in almost a decade that I was up all night gaming, which firmly placed it as the best game I played this year (although competition was stiff). Read more


Born This Way is the gift that keeps on giving. Ah the memories of having to hide this album from my parents. 


Wow the comments are weirdly dramatic. This is obviously not a serious issue; I guess the humor got interpreted as pearl clutching? It’s also a perfectly fair criticism to say the presenters should dress more appropriately for an awards show. -Presenters- being the keyword for anyone screaming classism; no one cares… Read more
